Sunday 30 August 2020

130: Doomlord


Phillip Vaughan from the University of Dundee is my guest to discuss the history of the new Eagle comic and a collection of Doomlord and the Deathlords of Nox from the Hibernia comics imprint. Get your copy from David McDonald's Comicsy store.

And also check out the Dundee comics creative space, and Phillip's Comic Scene podcast series.

You can find a list of episodes so far and all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on Twitter, and on instagram, or email me comments and suggestions to

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Sunday 16 August 2020

129: Flesh

Terry Mack is back from the land of Oz to discuss one of the classic thrills from the very first prog. What happens when cowboys meet dinosaurs in the pages of Flesh?

Check out Terry's eBay store for lots of back issues of the galaxy's greatest comic, and get your copy of Flesh from the 2000AD store.

You can find a list of episodes so far and all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on Twitter, and on instagram, or email me comments and suggestions to

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here
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Sunday 2 August 2020

128: Janus Stark

Chris Wright is my guest to talk about the first two volumes of Janus Stark from the Treasury of British Comics. We also review the 2020 Smash! special and reminisce about those wonderful things called comic conventions.

Get your copies of Janus Stark from the 2000AD store.

You can find a list of episodes so far and all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on Twitter, and on instagram, or email me comments and suggestions to

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Right click and choose save link as to download to your computer.