Sunday 21 July 2019

98: True Faith

I'm back in the Betsey Trotwood pub for my annual visit with Alex Frith of the Heroes of 2000AD blog, and we've got some very early Garth Ennis to discuss, as well as some thoughts about the British comic Crisis.

Track down a copy and let us know what you think about the reproduction of Warren Pleece's art, or if you want to review Preacher on the podcast.

You can find a list of episodes so far and all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on Twitter, and on instagram, or email me comments and suggestions to

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Sunday 7 July 2019

97: Metalzoic

I met up with Nathan Duck in the bar at Lawless to operate on our brains, and to discuss the weird and the wonderful Metalzoic from Pat Mills and Kevin O'Neill. If you want to skip our Kingmaker spoilers than jump from 1:25 to 3:45.

Check out Nathan's own writing in the upcoming Scarlet Traces anthology.

You can find a list of episodes so far and all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on Twitter, and on instagram, or email me comments and suggestions to

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Right click and choose save link as to download to your computer.