Sunday 28 August 2022

199: Drawn Under the Influence 2

Tony Esmond from the Never Iron Anything podcast joins me to discuss a new small press anthology comic that grew out of the Awesome Comics Podcast community, and is raising money for cancer research UK.

Get your copy from and if you are interested in submitting a pitch for next year's issue 3 then email

And get Tony's comics, including the highly recommended Hidden Figures, from Tribute Press.

You can find a list of episodes so far and all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on Twitter, and on instagram, or email me comments and suggestions to

Music used in this episode is Circuit Breaker by the artist Robodub.

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here
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Right click and choose save link as to download to your computer.

Sunday 14 August 2022

198: Luther Arkwright

Sheridan Kelly joins me at London's Cartoon museum to discuss Bryan Talbot's Adventures of Luther Arkwright, and a wide variety of releases since the 1970s. The Talbot exhibition continues at the museum until October 2022. Thank you to Emma Stirling-Middleton and Steve Marchant at the Cartoon museum for their help with this episode.

You can find a list of episodes so far and all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on Twitter, and on instagram, or email me comments and suggestions to

Music used in this episode is Circuit Breaker by the artist Robodub.

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here
Or Download here
Right click and choose save link as to download to your computer.

Sunday 7 August 2022

197: Thistlebone 2

I met up with Damian Lubanski in an echoey London dungeon to discuss Thistlebone book 2, the art of Simon Davis, and the subject of folk horror in film, television, and comics.
Note: this book and episode refer to the subject of child abuse. Listener discretion advised.

Get your copy of Thistlebone 2 from

You can find a list of episodes so far and all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on Twitter, and on instagram, or email me comments and suggestions to

Music used in this episode is Circuit Breaker by the artist Robodub.

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here
Or Download here
Right click and choose save link as to download to your computer.