Sunday 25 October 2020

134: Rok the God


Tony Esmond has escaped from The Village and brought along the new book from John Wagner, Alan Grant, Dan Cornwell, Abby Bulmer, Jim Boswell and Jim Campbell. We also talk about Kickstarter and the pros and cons of crowd funding an independent comic.

Find Tony’s own comics at Tribute Press, listen in to the Awesome Comics podcast, and join in the fun on his Never Iron Anything blog and podcast.

You can get your copy of Rok the God from

You can find a list of episodes so far and all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on Twitter, and on instagram, or email me comments and suggestions to

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Sunday 11 October 2020

133: Strontium Dog in Starlord

James McMurtry is my guest to discuss a fabulous new collection of the Strontium Dog stories from Starlord. Get your copy from the 2000AD store, and check out James' music at Soundcloud for The Sotonian and My Life in England.

You can find a list of episodes so far and all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on Twitter, and on instagram, or email me comments and suggestions to
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Right click and choose save link as to download to your computer.