Sunday, 30 April 2017

Mega City Book Club 32: Strontium Dog audio dramas

Brian Doob from the British Invaders science fiction podcast is my guest and he's thought outside the box and chosen two splendid Strontium Dog full cast audios from Big Finish. Check out Brian's new Hooked on Bond podcast.

You can find the 2000AD audio range at or

You can find a list of episodes so far and all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on Twitter, or email me comments and suggestions to

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Sunday, 16 April 2017

Mega City Book Club 31: Too Cool to Kill

Matthew Ellis converts me to the cult of Nikolai Dante with the first volume of his swashbuckling adventures. Bojemoi!

All eleven Dante collections are available from the 2000AD online store.

Find a list of episodes so far and upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow along on Twitter, or email

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Sunday, 2 April 2017

Mega City Book Club 30: The Art of Judge Dredd

I welcome back Pete Wells, the P-WLS covers uncovered droid himself, for his third visit to the book club. And this time he's brought along an absolute stonker of an art book covering Dredd's covers from the first 35 years of 2000AD. It's our longest episode yet with a few audio problems for which my apologies.

Buy the Art of Judge Dredd from the 2000ADonline store. Listen to Pete on the Megacast podcast and find his covers uncovered blog on

Find a list of episodes so far and upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow along on Twitter, or email

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Right click and choose save link as to download to your computer.