Sunday 9 June 2019

95: Robo-Hunter

I met up with artist Damian Edwardson at the Lawless convention to talk about the funniest robot saga of all time by John Wagner and Ian Gibson. There is some background bar noise which I have suppressed as best I can.

Do check out Damian and Helena's work at and on their Facebook group.

And get your copy of the first volume of Sam Slade's adventures from Hachette or digitally from the 2000AD store.

You can find a list of episodes so far and all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on Twitter, and on instagram, or email me comments and suggestions to

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  1. It was Starlord that merged mid-Verdus - introducing Strontium Dog and Ro-Busters to the fold (and re-introducing Flesh, as I remember).

  2. Loved this. Damian Edwardson speaks so fluently and well about the early Robo-Hunter stories recapturing his own youthful enthusiasm while also being very knowledgeable. Great. There is quite a lot of background noise but after a while I didn't really notice. Chris Hallam
